Thomson Reuters XENITH

Price list (Exchange Fees NOT included)
Xenith North / South America Date $150 / month $1,440 / year
Xenith Europe, Middle East & Africa data $150 / month $1,440 / year
Xenith Asia / Pacific Date $150 / month $1,440 / year
Xenith World Wide Futures data $150 / month $1,440 / year
Xenith FOREX (Foreign Exchange) $ 99 / month $ 950 / year
It is possible to try for free in DEMO the service for 30 days and buy it directly, on the Metastock website, by clicking on the following link:
Customizable workspace
With Thomson Reuters XENITH you can choose from one of our default desktops, or customize to suit your personal style. From the home page you can:
- Browse information on activity classes and countries
- View asset news
- Access to data analysis tools, such as real-time graphs
- Create user screens
- Manage your profile
- Discover the latest Thomson Reuters product updates
- Access Thomson Reuters support service
Find what you want, when you want, how you want
Thomson Reuters XENITH searches high speed information and data and includes the following search functions.
- Full search in categories, asset classes, news, comments, people, local files, and market tools (Overview, Monitors, Charts, Calculators pages)
- Specify your search in each of the categories and the results will be grouped’ so it will be easy for you to drill down
- Simple keyword or search-based code
- More advanced search-based criteria
- Export large lists from search results to Excel or MetaStock
Flexible, organized, ready for work
The Flex Document Collection example provides a set of predefined flex documents with content, divided by asset class and region. The Flex documents offer the following:
- Tab-based document management. Tab-based navigation provides visibility and allows you to perform multiple tasks simultaneously
- Full screen mode to hide application menus and toolbars and get a much clearer view of the document you are looking at
- A ‘balloon help’ has been linked to particular tasks to provide guidance on workspace management
- A personal storage facility where you can store your work remotely, allowing you to access your files from any location
Detailed information for one-stop search
Thomson Reuters XENITH provides an incredibly comprehensive list of financial data and news
- At first glance, price, rankings, history, financial, news and research, recent developments, recommendations, relative valuation, and more
- From the overview page, you can easily navigate to detailed information on price, news, debt structure, estimates, fundamentals, competitors, officers, events, operations, ownership, and derivatives
- Quickly switch to a graphical representation of all data and trends
- Recommendations that show the number of analysts advice “Strong Buy”, “Buy”, “wait”, “Sell” and “sell”
Keeping the economy in check has never been so easy.
The economic monitor allows you to keep track of all reports, indicators and economic events
- “My Economic Monitor” provides a list of all reports sorted by regions and countries.
- Filter reports on a number of variables, including “surprise”.
- Drill-down for a specific indicator to see the history and description in any country
- “Economic Events” tab that provides a list of global events with filters on economic sectors and periods